Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 8000 BlueTuth

ID articol: 607Vizualizari: 33
Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 8000 BlueTuth

Vand: Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 8000 BlueTuth

Folosit (Nota: 10 din 10) | Fara factura | Fara garantie

Data anuntului: 17.01.2025

Expira in: 10 zile, 9 ore

Livrare in: Predare personala , In Romania (detalii livrare)

Locatia produsului: Mures

Pret: 80.00 RON

Stare foarte buna, fara zgarieturi sau uzura, arata ca nou. Precis, consum baterie mic, conexiune bluetuth. Perfect pt un laptop.



  • High Definition laser technology for more precise, more responsive, and smoother tracking
  • 2.4GHz Bluetooth with First Connect Technology so you can connect wirelessly right out of the box
  • Four-way scrolling button with Tilt Wheel technology for greater efficiency and comfort when ripping through long documents or web pages
  • Fully rechargeable so you save money on batteries, includes a battery-status LED indicator
  • Runs on one AA NiMH battery, and requires a PC running Windows XP (with Service Pack 2) or Windows Vista, Windows 7

Info Vanzator

Membru din: 23.09.2011

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