Vand 2 x statie radio FD-268A

ID articol: 9Vizualizari: 126
Vand 2 x statie radio FD-268A

Vand: Vand 2 x statie radio FD-268A

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Data anuntului: 17.01.2025

Expira in: 10 zile, 10 ore

Livrare in: Predare personala (detalii livrare)

Locatia produsului: Bucuresti

Pret: 430.00 RON

2 x statii Radio noi VHF (Taxi, salvare, etc)
Model statii: Feidaxin FDC FD-268A VHF Radio 136-174 Mhz
Verificate pentru functionare. Nu au fost utilizate, bateriile nu le-am incarcat niciodata. Au venit incarcate din fabrica.
Dupa achizitie am decis ca imi trebuie UHF pentru compatibilitatea cu PRM446 si FRS/GMRS
Vin in cutie cu toate accesoriile.
Puterea de emisie este de 5W.
Statiile radio care se gasesc in magazinele de larg consum au 0.5W (PRM446).

- bateria
- incarcator + alimentare 220V
- antena
- belt-clip (prindere curea)
- manual

Built-in 50groups of CTCSS and 104 groups of DCS
- LCD & keypad backlit display
- Standby time: 120hours
- Scan function , keypad lock
- Rainproof
- Hi / Lo power select(1W-5W)
- Programming method:computer/manual
- Charger LED indicator(red-charging;green-fully charged)
- Signal strength indicator
- Key sound
- Battery indicator
- Semi-duplex operation
- Reverse Frequency
- Adjustable squelch


Model No. FD-268A


Frequency Band: VHF
Frequency Range: 136 - 174 MHz
Channel Capacity: 99
Operating Voltage: 7.2 V DC ± 15%
Antenna Impedance: 50ohms
Channel Spacing: 25KHz
Working Temperature: -30°C ~ +60°C
Frequency Stability: ± 2.5ppm
Size (without antenna): 56(W) x 96(L) x 30mm(D)
Weight (with battery): About 178g
Battery: 1,200mAh(Li-ion)
RF Power Output: 4W/5W
Modulation Type: F3E
Modulation Distortion: <5% (300 - 3,000Hz)
Max Frqv Deviation: <5KHz (1,000KHz when 100%)
FM Noise: <= -45dB
RX Sens. (12Db SINAD): 0.16μV
Selectivity: 55dB
Adj. Ch. Selectivity: >= 70dB
Noise Respond: >= 60dB
Communication Range: 3 - 5km (downtown)
6 - 20km (in the open area)
FM Noise: 45dB / 40dB
Modulation Type: 16KOF3E
Audio Power Output: 500mW when distortion less than 10%
Audio Distortion: <5%
Operating Bandwidth: ± 7KHz
Standby Current: <10mA

Compatible with American Military Standard (MIL-STD-810C/D/E)
Transmitter (EIA-RS 316B Standard)


Pret 430 RON ambele.
Le dau doar impreuna.

Info Vanzator

Membru din: 03.05.2011

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